Package jxl

Interface Summary
BooleanCell This type represents the Microsoft concept of a Boolean.
BooleanFormulaCell A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers
Cell Represents an individual Cell within a Sheet.
DateCell A date cell
DateFormulaCell A mixin interface for date formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for dates
ErrorCell This type represents a cell which contains an error.
ErrorFormulaCell A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers
FormulaCell Interface for formulas which allow clients to read the Excel formula
Hyperlink Hyperlink information.
Image Accessor functions for an image
LabelCell A label cell
NumberCell A cell which contains a numerical value
NumberFormulaCell A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers
Range Represents a 3-D range of cells in a workbook.
Sheet Represents a sheet within a workbook.
StringFormulaCell A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for strings

Class Summary
CellFeatures Container for any additional cell features
CellReferenceHelper Exposes some cell reference helper methods to the public interface.
CellType An enumeration type listing the available content types for a cell
CellView This is a bean which client applications may use to get/set various properties for a row or column on a spreadsheet
HeaderFooter Class which represents an Excel header or footer.
HeaderFooter.Contents The contents - a simple wrapper around a string buffer
SheetSettings This is a bean which client applications may use to get/set various properties which are associated with a particular worksheet, such as headers and footers, page orientation etc.
Workbook Represents a Workbook.
WorkbookSettings This is a bean which client applications may use to set various advanced workbook properties.

Exception Summary
JXLException Base exception class for JExcelAPI exceptions