Class FormulaRecord

All Implemented Interfaces:

class FormulaRecord
extends CellValue

A formula's last calculated value

Inner Class Summary
private static class FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula
          Static class for a dummy override, indicating that the formula passed in is not a shared formula
Field Summary
private  CellValue formula
          The "real" formula record - will be either a string a or a number
static FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula ignoreSharedFormula
private  boolean shared
          Flag to indicate whether this is a shared formula
Fields inherited from class jxl.read.biff.CellValue
column, format, formattingRecords, initialized, row, sheet, xfIndex
Fields inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
code, record
Constructor Summary
FormulaRecord(Record t, File excelFile, FormattingRecords fr, ExternalSheet es, NameTable nt, FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula i, SheetImpl si, WorkbookSettings ws)
          Constructs this object from the raw data.
FormulaRecord(Record t, File excelFile, FormattingRecords fr, ExternalSheet es, NameTable nt, SheetImpl si, WorkbookSettings ws)
          Constructs this object from the raw data.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getContents()
          Returns the numerical value as a string
(package private)  CellValue getFormula()
          Gets the "real" formula
 CellType getType()
          Returns the cell type
(package private)  boolean isShared()
          Interrogates this formula to determine if it forms part of a shared formula
Methods inherited from class jxl.read.biff.CellValue
getCellFormat, getColumn, getRow, getSheet, getXFIndex, isHidden
Methods inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
getCode, getRecord
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private CellValue formula
The "real" formula record - will be either a string a or a number


private boolean shared
Flag to indicate whether this is a shared formula


public static final FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula ignoreSharedFormula
Constructor Detail


public FormulaRecord(Record t,
                     File excelFile,
                     FormattingRecords fr,
                     ExternalSheet es,
                     NameTable nt,
                     SheetImpl si,
                     WorkbookSettings ws)
Constructs this object from the raw data. Creates either a NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
excelFile - the excel file
t - the raw data
es - the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
nt - the name table
si - the sheet


public FormulaRecord(Record t,
                     File excelFile,
                     FormattingRecords fr,
                     ExternalSheet es,
                     NameTable nt,
                     FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula i,
                     SheetImpl si,
                     WorkbookSettings ws)
Constructs this object from the raw data. Creates either a NumberFormulaRecord or a StringFormulaRecord depending on whether this formula represents a numerical calculation or not
excelFile - the excel file
t - the raw data
es - the workbook, which contains the external sheet references
nt - the name table
i - a dummy override to indicate that we don't want to do any shared formula processing
si - the sheet impl
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getContents()
Returns the numerical value as a string
The numerical value of the formula as a string


public CellType getType()
Returns the cell type
The cell type


final CellValue getFormula()
Gets the "real" formula


final boolean isShared()
Interrogates this formula to determine if it forms part of a shared formula
TRUE if this is shared formula, FALSE otherwise