Package jxl.biff.formula

Interface Summary
ExternalSheet Interface which exposes the methods needed by formulas to access external sheet records
ParsedThing An interface for an excel ptg
Parser Interface used by the two different types of formula parser

Class Summary
Add A cell reference in a formula
Area A nested class to hold range information
Area3d A nested class to hold range information
ArgumentSeparator A dummy token used when parsing strings in order to indicate the separation of parameters
Attribute A special attribute control token - typically either a SUM function or an IF function
BinaryOperator A cell reference in a formula
BooleanValue A boolean operand in a formula
BuiltInFunction A built in function in a formula
CellReference A cell reference in a formula
CellReference3d A 3d cell reference in a formula
Concatenate A cell reference in a formula
Divide A cell reference in a formula
DoubleValue A cell reference in a formula
Equal A cell reference in a formula
FormulaParser Parses the formula passed in (either as parsed strings or as a string) into a tree of operators and operands
Function An enumeration detailing the Excel function codes
GreaterEqual A cell reference in a formula
GreaterThan A cell reference in a formula
IntegerValue A cell reference in a formula
LessEqual A cell reference in a formula
LessThan A cell reference in a formula
MissingArg Represents a missing argument in an argument list
Multiply A cell reference in a formula
Name A name operand
NotEqual A cell reference in a formula
NumberValue A constant numerical value in a formula
OpenParentheses A dummy token used when parsing strings in order to indicate the opening of some parenthesees
Operand An operand in the parse tree.
Operator An operator is a node in a parse tree.
Parenthesis A cell reference in a formula
ParseItem Abstract base class for an item in a formula parse tree
Percent A cell reference in a formula
Power A cell reference in a formula
SharedFormulaArea A cell reference in a formula
SharedFormulaCellReference A cell reference in a formula
StringFormulaParser Parses a string formula into a parse tree
StringFunction Class used to hold a function when reading it in from a string.
StringParseItem A dummy implementation used for typing information when tokens are read when parsing strings.
StringValue A string constant operand in a formula
Subtract A cell reference in a formula
Token An enumeration detailing the Excel parsed tokens A particular token may be associated with more than one token code
TokenFormulaParser Parses the excel ptgs into a parse tree
UnaryMinus A cell reference in a formula
UnaryOperator A cell reference in a formula
UnaryPlus A cell reference in a formula
VariableArgFunction A built in function in a formula.
Yylex This file is generated by JLex.

Exception Summary
FormulaException Exception thrown when parsing a formula