Class CellValue

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BaseSharedFormulaRecord, BlankCell, BooleanFormulaRecord, BooleanRecord, ErrorFormulaRecord, ErrorRecord, FormulaRecord, LabelRecord, LabelSSTRecord, NumberFormulaRecord, NumberRecord, RKRecord, RStringRecord, StringFormulaRecord

public abstract class CellValue
extends RecordData
implements Cell

Abstract class for all records which actually contain cell values

Field Summary
private  int column
          The column number of this cell record
private  XFRecord format
          The cell format
private  FormattingRecords formattingRecords
          A handle to the formatting records, so that we can retrieve the formatting information
private  boolean initialized
          A lazy initialize flag for the cell format
private  int row
          The row number of this cell record
private  SheetImpl sheet
          A handle back to the sheet
private  int xfIndex
          The XF index
Fields inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
code, record
Constructor Summary
protected CellValue(Record t, FormattingRecords fr, SheetImpl si)
          Constructs this object from the raw cell data
Method Summary
 CellFormat getCellFormat()
          Gets the CellFormat object for this cell.
 int getColumn()
          Interface method which returns the column number of this cell
 int getRow()
          Interface method which returns the row number of this cell
 int getXFIndex()
          Gets the XFRecord corresponding to the index number.
 boolean isHidden()
          Determines whether or not this cell has been hidden
Methods inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
getCode, getRecord
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jxl.Cell
getContents, getType

Field Detail


private int row
The row number of this cell record


private int column
The column number of this cell record


private int xfIndex
The XF index


private FormattingRecords formattingRecords
A handle to the formatting records, so that we can retrieve the formatting information


private boolean initialized
A lazy initialize flag for the cell format


private XFRecord format
The cell format


private SheetImpl sheet
A handle back to the sheet
Constructor Detail


protected CellValue(Record t,
                    FormattingRecords fr,
                    SheetImpl si)
Constructs this object from the raw cell data
t - the raw cell data
fr - the formatting records
si - the sheet containing this cell
Method Detail


public final int getRow()
Interface method which returns the row number of this cell
Specified by:
getRow in interface Cell
the zero base row number


public final int getColumn()
Interface method which returns the column number of this cell
Specified by:
getColumn in interface Cell
the zero based column number


public final int getXFIndex()
Gets the XFRecord corresponding to the index number. Used when copying a spreadsheet
the xf index for this cell


public CellFormat getCellFormat()
Gets the CellFormat object for this cell. Used by the WritableWorkbook API
Specified by:
getCellFormat in interface Cell
the CellFormat used for this cell


public boolean isHidden()
Determines whether or not this cell has been hidden
Specified by:
isHidden in interface Cell
TRUE if this cell has been hidden, FALSE otherwise