Package jxl.write.biff

Class Summary
BackupRecord Record which indicates whether Excel should save backup versions of the file
BlankRecord A blank record, which is used to contain formatting information
BOFRecord Record to indicate the beginning of a new stream in the Compound File
BookboolRecord Writes out the workbook option flag (should it save the external link options)
BooleanRecord A boolean cell's last calculated value
BottomMarginRecord The settings for the left margin
BoundsheetRecord Record which stores the sheet name, the sheet type and the stream position
CalcCountRecord Record which stores the maximum iterations option from the Options dialog box
CalcModeRecord The calculation mode for the workbook, as set from the Options dialog box
CellValue Abstract class which stores the common data used for cells, such as row, column and formatting information.
CellXFRecord A cell XF Record
CodepageRecord Stores the default character set in operation when the workbook was saved
ColumnInfoRecord Describes the column formatting for a particular column
CompoundFile Writes out a compound file Header block is -1 Excel data is e..n (where is the head extension blocks, normally 0 and n is at least 8) Summary information (8 blocks) Document summary (8 blocks) BBD is block p..q (where p=e+n+16 and q-p+1 is the number of BBD blocks) Property storage block is q+b...r (normally 1 block) (where b is the number of BBD blocks)
CountryRecord Record containing the localization information
DateFormatRecord A class which contains a date format
DateRecord A date stored in the database
DateRecord.GMTDate Class definition for a dummy variable
DBCellRecord Indexes the first row record of the block and each individual cell.
DefaultColumnWidth The default column width for a workbook
DefaultRowHeightRecord The default row height for cells in the workbook
DeltaRecord Record which stores the maximum change value from the Options dialog
DimensionRecord Record which contains the bounds of the sheet
DSFRecord Stores a flag which indicates whether the file is a double stream file.
EOFRecord Record which marks the end of the current stream
ExtendedSSTRecord Indicates an extension to the Shared String Table.
ExternalSheetRecord An external sheet record, used to maintain integrity when formulas are copied from read databases
File A file of excel data to be written out.
FooterRecord Places a string at the bottom of each page when the file is printed.
FormulaRecord A formula record.
FunctionGroupCountRecord Stores the number of build in function groups
GridSetRecord Record which indicates that the user changed the stae of the GridLines option
GuttersRecord Record which contains the size of the row and column gutters.
HeaderRecord Record which specifies a print header for a work sheet
HideobjRecord Stores options selected in the Options dialog box
HorizontalCentreRecord Record which indicates the whether the horizontal center option has been set
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord Contains the list of explicit horizontal page breaks on the current sheet
HyperlinkRecord A number record.
HyperlinkRecord.LinkType The excel type of hyperlink
IndexRecord Index into the cell rows in an worksheet
InterfaceEndRecord Marks the end of the user interface section of the Book stream.
InterfaceHeaderRecord Marks the beginning of the user interface record
IterationRecord Stores the iteration option from the dialog box
LabelRecord A label record, used for writing out string
LeftMarginRecord The settings for the left margin
MarginRecord Record which specifies a margin value
MergedCellsRecord A number record.
MMSRecord Stores the number of addmen and delmenu groups in the book stream
MsoDrawingGroupRecord An Mso Drawing Group record
MulRKRecord Contains an array of RK numbers
NameRecord A name record.
NineteenFourRecord A record which indicates whether or the 1904 date system is in use
NumberFormatRecord A class which contains a number format
NumberRecord The record which contains numerical values.
PasswordRecord A password record
PrecisionRecord Stores the Precision As Displayed option from the dialog box
PrintGridLinesRecord The grid lines option from the Page Setup dialog box
PrintHeadersRecord The headings options from the Page Setup dialog box
Prot4RevPassRecord Stores the shared workbook protection flag
Prot4RevRecord The shared workbook protection flag
ProtectRecord The protection state for a sheet or workbook
ReadFormulaRecord A formula record.
RefModeRecord Stores the reference style option from the options dialog box
RefreshAllRecord Record which indicates whether or not data ranges and pivot tables should be refreshed when the workbook is loaded
RightMarginRecord The settings for the left margin
RowRecord Contains all the cells for a given row in a sheet
SaveRecalcRecord Stores the recalculate before save flag as set in the options dialog box
SelectionRecord Stores the current selection
SetupRecord Stores the options and measurements from the Page Setup dialog box
SharedStrings The list of available shared strings.
SheetWriter Contains the functionality necessary for writing out a sheet.
SSTContinueRecord A continuation of a shared string table record.
SSTRecord A shared string table record.
StringRecord Stores the string result of a formula calculation.
StyleXFRecord A style XF Record
SupbookRecord Stores the supporting workbook information.
TabIdRecord Contains an array of sheet tab index numbers
TopMarginRecord The settings for the left margin
UsesElfsRecord Stores the flag which indicates whether the version of excel can understand natural language input for formulae
VerticalCentreRecord Indicates whether the centre vertically on page option has been set from the options dialog box
Window1Record Contains workbook level windowing attributes
Window2Record Contains the window attributes for a worksheet
WindowProtectRecord Stores an option from the Protect Workbook dialog box
WorkspaceInformationRecord Stores information about the workspace settings
WritableFontRecord A writable Font record.
WritableFonts A container for the list of fonts used in this workbook The writable subclass instantiates the predetermined list of fonts available to users of the writable API
WritableFormattingRecords Handles the Format and XF record indexing.
WritableSheetImpl A writable sheet.
WritableSheetImpl.ColumnInfoComparator The comparator for column info record
WritableWorkbookImpl A writable workbook
WriteAccessRecord The name used when Excel was installed.

Exception Summary
JxlWriteException Exception thrown when reading a biff file
RowsExceededException Exception thrown when attempting to add a row to a spreadsheet which has already reached the maximum amount