Class WritableRecordData

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BackupRecord, BOFRecord, BookboolRecord, BoundsheetRecord, BuiltInStyle, CalcCountRecord, CalcModeRecord, CellValue, CodepageRecord, ColumnInfoRecord, CountryRecord, DBCellRecord, DefaultColumnWidth, DefaultRowHeightRecord, DeltaRecord, DimensionRecord, DSFRecord, EOFRecord, ExtendedSSTRecord, ExternalSheetRecord, FontRecord, FooterRecord, FormatRecord, FunctionGroupCountRecord, GridSetRecord, GuttersRecord, HeaderRecord, HideobjRecord, HorizontalCentreRecord, HorizontalPageBreaksRecord, HyperlinkRecord, IndexRecord, InterfaceEndRecord, InterfaceHeaderRecord, IterationRecord, MarginRecord, MergedCellsRecord, MMSRecord, MsoDrawingGroupRecord, MulRKRecord, NameRecord, NineteenFourRecord, ObjectProtectRecord, PaletteRecord, PaletteRecord, PaneRecord, PasswordRecord, PrecisionRecord, PrintGridLinesRecord, PrintHeadersRecord, Prot4RevPassRecord, Prot4RevRecord, ProtectRecord, RefModeRecord, RefreshAllRecord, RowRecord, SaveRecalcRecord, ScenarioProtectRecord, SCLRecord, SelectionRecord, SetupRecord, SSTContinueRecord, SSTRecord, StringRecord, SupbookRecord, TabIdRecord, UsesElfsRecord, VerticalCentreRecord, Window1Record, Window2Record, WindowProtectRecord, WorkspaceInformationRecord, WriteAccessRecord, XFRecord

public abstract class WritableRecordData
extends RecordData
implements ByteData

Extension of the standard RecordData which is used to support those records which, once read, may also be written

Field Summary
protected static int maxRecordLength
          The maximum length allowed by Excel for any record length
Fields inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
code, record
Constructor Summary
protected WritableRecordData(Record t)
          Constructor used when reading a record
protected WritableRecordData(Type t)
          Constructor used by the writable records
Method Summary
 byte[] getBytes()
          Used when writing out records.
protected abstract  byte[] getData()
          Abstract method called by the getBytes method.
private  byte[] handleContinueRecords(byte[] data)
          The number of bytes for this record exceeds the maximum record length, so a continue is required
Methods inherited from class jxl.biff.RecordData
getCode, getRecord
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int maxRecordLength
The maximum length allowed by Excel for any record length
Constructor Detail


protected WritableRecordData(Type t)
Constructor used by the writable records
t - the biff type of this record


protected WritableRecordData(Record t)
Constructor used when reading a record
t - the raw data read from the biff file
Method Detail


public final byte[] getBytes()
Used when writing out records. This portion of the method handles the biff code and the length of the record and appends on the data retrieved from the subclasses
Specified by:
getBytes in interface ByteData
the full record data to be written out to the compound file


private byte[] handleContinueRecords(byte[] data)
The number of bytes for this record exceeds the maximum record length, so a continue is required


protected abstract byte[] getData()
Abstract method called by the getBytes method. Subclasses implement this method to incorporate their specific binary data - excluding the biff code and record length, which is handled by this class
subclass specific biff data