Interface ParsedThing

All Known Implementing Classes:
Area3d, BinaryOperator, CellReference3d, Divide, Equal, GreaterEqual, MissingArg, Parenthesis, Percent, UnaryOperator, UnaryPlus, VariableArgFunction, UnaryMinus, SharedFormulaArea, NumberValue, IntegerValue, DoubleValue, Concatenate, Add, StringValue, BooleanValue, Subtract, GreaterThan, LessEqual, Area, Multiply, NameRange, Attribute, Power, CellReference, LessThan, NotEqual, Name, SharedFormulaCellReference, BuiltInFunction

interface ParsedThing

An interface for an excel ptg

Method Summary
 int read(byte[] data, int pos)
          Reads the ptg data from the array starting at the specified position

Method Detail


public int read(byte[] data,
                int pos)
         throws FormulaException
Reads the ptg data from the array starting at the specified position
data - the RPN array
pos - the current position in the array, excluding the ptg identifier
the number of bytes read