Interface WritableSheet

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public interface WritableSheet
extends Sheet

Interface for a worksheet that may be modified. The most important modification for a sheet is to have cells added to it

Method Summary
 void addCell(WritableCell cell)
          Adds a cell to this sheet The RowsExceededException may be caught if client code wishes to explicitly trap the case where too many rows have been written to the current sheet.
 void addHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h)
          Adds the specified hyperlink.
 void addRowPageBreak(int row)
          Forces a page break at the specified row
 WritableCell getWritableCell(int column, int row)
          Gets the writable cell from this sheet.
 WritableHyperlink[] getWritableHyperlinks()
          Gets the writable hyperlinks from this sheet.
 void insertColumn(int col)
          Inserts a blank column into this spreadsheet.
 void insertRow(int row)
          Inserts a blank row into this spreadsheet.
 Range mergeCells(int col1, int row1, int col2, int row2)
          Merges the specified cells.
 void removeColumn(int col)
          Removes a column from this spreadsheet.
 void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h)
          Removes the specified hyperlink.
 void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h, boolean preserveLabel)
          Removes the specified hyperlink.
 void removeRow(int row)
          Removes a row from this spreadsheet.
 void setColumnView(int col, int width)
          Sets the width of the column on this sheet, in characters.
 void setColumnView(int col, int width, CellFormat format)
          Sets the width and style of every cell in the specified column.
 void setFooter(java.lang.String l, java.lang.String c, java.lang.String r)
          Sets the footer for this page
 void setHeader(java.lang.String l, java.lang.String c, java.lang.String r)
          Sets the header for this page
 void setHidden(boolean hidden)
          Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the name of this sheet
 void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p)
          Sets the page setup details
 void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p, double hm, double fm)
          Sets the page setup details
 void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p, PaperSize ps, double hm, double fm)
          Sets the page setup details
 void setProtected(boolean prot)
          Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead
 void setRowView(int row, boolean collapsed)
          Sets the properties of the specified row
 void setRowView(int row, int height)
          Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
 void setRowView(int row, int height, boolean collapsed)
          Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
 void unmergeCells(Range r)
          Unmerges the specified cells.
Methods inherited from interface jxl.Sheet
findCell, findLabelCell, getCell, getColumn, getColumns, getHyperlinks, getMergedCells, getName, getRow, getRows, getSettings, isHidden, isProtected

Method Detail


public void addCell(WritableCell cell)
             throws WriteException,
Adds a cell to this sheet The RowsExceededException may be caught if client code wishes to explicitly trap the case where too many rows have been written to the current sheet. If this behaviour is not desired, it is sufficient simply to handle the WriteException, since this is a base class of RowsExceededException
cell -  
jxl.write..WriteException -  
RowsExceededException -  


public void setName(java.lang.String name)
Sets the name of this sheet
name -  


public void setHidden(boolean hidden)
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead

Indicates whether or not this sheet is hidden
hidden - hidden flag


public void setProtected(boolean prot)
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead

Indicates whether or not this sheet is protected
prot - Protected flag


public void setColumnView(int col,
                          int width)
Sets the width of the column on this sheet, in characters. This causes Excel to resize the entire column. If the columsn specified already has view information associated with it, then it is replaced by the new data
col - the column to be formatted
width - the width of the column


public void setColumnView(int col,
                          int width,
                          CellFormat format)
Sets the width and style of every cell in the specified column. If the columns specified already has view information associated with it, then it is replaced by the new data
col - the column to be formatted
format - the format of every cell in the column
width - the width of the column, in characters


public void setRowView(int row,
                       int height)
                throws RowsExceededException
Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
row - the row to be formatted
height - the row height in characters
RowsExceededException -  


public void setRowView(int row,
                       boolean collapsed)
                throws RowsExceededException
Sets the properties of the specified row
row - the row to be formatted
collapsed - indicates whether the row is collapsed
RowsExceededException -  


public void setRowView(int row,
                       int height,
                       boolean collapsed)
                throws RowsExceededException
Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
row - the row to be formatted
height - the row height in characters
collapsed - indicates whether the row is collapsed
RowsExceededException -  


public WritableCell getWritableCell(int column,
                                    int row)
Gets the writable cell from this sheet. Use of this method allows the returned cell to be modified by the users application
column -  
row -  
the cell at the specified position


public WritableHyperlink[] getWritableHyperlinks()
Gets the writable hyperlinks from this sheet. The hyperlinks that are returned may be modified by user applications
the writable hyperlinks


public void insertRow(int row)
Inserts a blank row into this spreadsheet. If the row is out of range of the rows in the sheet, then no action is taken
row - the row to insert


public void insertColumn(int col)
Inserts a blank column into this spreadsheet. If the column is out of range of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken
col - the column to insert


public void removeColumn(int col)
Removes a column from this spreadsheet. If the column is out of range of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken
col - the column to remove


public void removeRow(int row)
Removes a row from this spreadsheet. If the row is out of range of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken
row - the row to remove


public Range mergeCells(int col1,
                        int row1,
                        int col2,
                        int row2)
                 throws WriteException,
Merges the specified cells. Any clashes or intersections between merged cells are resolved when the spreadsheet is written out
col1 - the column number of the top left cell
row1 - the row number of the top left cell
col2 - the column number of the bottom right cell
row2 - the row number of the bottom right cell
the Range object representing the merged cells
jxl.write..WriteException -  
RowsExceededException -  


public void unmergeCells(Range r)
Unmerges the specified cells. The Range passed in should be one that has been previously returned as a result of the getMergedCells method
r - the range of cells to unmerge


public void addHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h)
                  throws WriteException,
Adds the specified hyperlink. Adding a hyperlink causes any populated cells in the range of the hyperlink to be set to empty If the cells which activate this hyperlink clash with any other cells, they are still added to the worksheet and it is left to Excel to handle this.
the - hyperlink
jxl.write..WriteException -  
RowsExceededException -  


public void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h)
Removes the specified hyperlink. Note that if you merely set the cell contents to be an Empty cell, then the cells containing the hyperlink will still be active. The contents of the cell which activate the hyperlink are removed. The hyperlink passed in must be a hyperlink retrieved using the getHyperlinks method
h - the hyperlink to remove.
preserveLabel - if TRUE preserves the label contents, if FALSE removes them


public void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h,
                            boolean preserveLabel)
Removes the specified hyperlink. Note that if you merely set the cell contents to be an Empty cell, then the cells containing the hyperlink will still be active. If the preserveLabel field is set, the cell contents of the hyperlink are preserved, although the hyperlink is deactivated. If this value is FALSE, the cell contents are removed The hyperlink passed in must be a hyperlink retrieved using the getHyperlinks method
h - the hyperlink to remove.
preserveLabel - if TRUE preserves the label contents, if FALSE removes them


public void setHeader(java.lang.String l,
                      java.lang.String c,
                      java.lang.String r)
Sets the header for this page
l - the print header to print on the left side
c - the print header to print in the centre
r - the print header to print on the right hand side


public void setFooter(java.lang.String l,
                      java.lang.String c,
                      java.lang.String r)
Sets the footer for this page
l - the print header to print on the left side
c - the print header to print in the centre
r - the print header to print on the right hand side


public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p)
Sets the page setup details
p - the page orientation


public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p,
                         double hm,
                         double fm)
Sets the page setup details
p - the page orientation
hm - the header margin, in inches
fm - the footer margin, in inches


public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p,
                         PaperSize ps,
                         double hm,
                         double fm)
Sets the page setup details
p - the page orientation
ps - the paper size
hm - the header margin, in inches
fm - the footer margin, in inches


public void addRowPageBreak(int row)
Forces a page break at the specified row
row - the row to break at