Package jxl.format

Interface Summary
CellFormat Interface for cell formats
Font Interface which exposes the user font display information to the user
Format Exposes the cell formatting information

Class Summary
Alignment Enumeration class which contains the various alignments for data within a cell
BoldStyle Enumeration class containing the various bold styles for data
Border The location of a border
BorderLineStyle The border line style
Colour Enumeration class which contains the various colours available within the standard Excel colour palette
Orientation Enumeration type which describes the orientation of data within a cell
PageOrientation Enumeration type which describes the page orientation
PaperSize Enumeration type which contains the available excel paper sizes and their codes
Pattern Enumeration class which contains the various patterns available within the standard Excel pattern palette
ScriptStyle Enumeration class which contains the various script styles available within the standard Excel ScriptStyle palette
UnderlineStyle Enumeration class which contains the various underline styles available within the standard Excel UnderlineStyle palette
VerticalAlignment Enumeration type which describes the vertical alignment of data within a cell