
Interface Summary
Formula Interface which is used for copying formulas from a read only to a writable spreadsheet

Class Summary
BaseSharedFormulaRecord A base class for shared formula records
BiffRecordReader Serves up Record objects from a biff file.
BlankCell A blank cell.
BOFRecord A Beginning Of File record, found at the commencement of all substreams within a biff8 file
BooleanFormulaRecord A boolean formula's last calculated value
BooleanRecord A boolean cell last calculated value
BottomMarginRecord Record for the left margin settings
BoundsheetRecord A boundsheet record, which contains the worksheet name
BoundsheetRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
CellValue Abstract class for all records which actually contain cell values
ColumnInfoRecord Contains the display info data which affects the entire columns
CompoundFile Reads in and defrags an OLE compound compound file (Made public only for the PropertySets demo)
DateFormulaRecord A date formula's last calculated value
DateRecord A date which is stored in the cell
DefaultColumnWidthRecord Contains the default column width for cells in this sheet
DefaultRowHeightRecord Contains the default column width for cells in this sheet
DimensionRecord Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet
DimensionRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
ErrorFormulaRecord An error resulting from the calculation of a formula
ErrorRecord A cell containing an error code.
ExternalSheetRecord An Externsheet record, containing the details of externally references workbooks
ExternalSheetRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
ExternalSheetRecord.XTI An XTI structure
File File containing the data from the binary stream
FooterRecord A workbook page footer record
FooterRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
FormulaRecord A formula's last calculated value
FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula Static class for a dummy override, indicating that the formula passed in is not a shared formula
HeaderRecord A workbook page header record
HeaderRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
HyperlinkRecord A number record.
HyperlinkRecord.LinkType The excel type of hyperlink
LabelRecord A label which is stored in the cell
LabelRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
LabelSSTRecord A label which is stored in the shared string table
LeftMarginRecord Record for the left margin settings
MarginRecord Abstract class containing the margin value for top,left,right and bottom margins
MergedCellsRecord A merged cells record for a given sheet
MsoDrawingGroupRecord A record which merely holds the MSODRAWINGGROUP data.
MsoDrawingRecord A record which merely holds the MSODRAWING data.
MulBlankCell A blank cell value, initialized indirectly from a multiple biff record rather than directly from the binary data
MulBlankRecord Contains an array of Blank, formatted cells
MulRKRecord Contains an array of RK numbers
NameRecord Holds an excel name record, and the details of the cells/ranges it refers to
NameRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
NineteenFourRecord Identifies the date system as the 1904 system or not
NumberFormulaRecord A formula's last calculated value
NumberRecord A number record.
NumberValue A numerical cell value, initialized indirectly from a multiple biff record rather than directly from the binary data
ObjRecord A record which merely holds the OBJ data.
PaletteRecord A password record
PaneRecord Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet
PasswordRecord A password record
ProtectRecord A record detailing whether the sheet is protected
RangeImpl Implementation class for the Range interface.
Record A container for the raw record data within a biff file
RightMarginRecord Record for the left margin settings
RKHelper Helper to convert an RK number into a double or an integer
RKRecord An individual RK record
RowRecord A row record
RStringRecord A label which is stored in the cell
RStringRecord.Biff7 Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor
SCLRecord Class containing the zoom factor for display
SetupRecord Contains the page set up for a sheet
SharedDateFormulaRecord A number formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula "optimization"
SharedFormulaRecord A shared formula
SharedNumberFormulaRecord A number formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula "optimization"
SharedStringFormulaRecord A string formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula "optimization"
SheetImpl Represents a sheet within a workbook.
SheetReader Reads the sheet.
SSTRecord Holds all the strings in the shared string table
SSTRecord.BooleanHolder A holder for a boolean
SSTRecord.ByteArrayHolder A holder for a byte array
StringFormulaRecord A string formula's last calculated value
SupbookRecord A record containing the references to the various sheets (internal and external) referenced by formulas in this workbook
SupbookRecord.Type The type of supbook this refers to
TopMarginRecord Record for the left margin settings
Window2Record Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet
WorkbookParser Parses the biff file passed in, and builds up an internal representation of the spreadsheet

Exception Summary
BiffException Exception thrown when reading a biff file
PasswordException A properly typed exception in case consumers of the API specifically wish to handle the case when the workbook is password protected