Class Summary |
BaseSharedFormulaRecord |
A base class for shared formula records |
BiffException.BiffMessage |
BiffRecordReader |
Serves up Record objects from a biff file. |
BlankCell |
A blank cell. |
BOFRecord |
A Beginning Of File record, found at the commencement of all substreams
within a biff8 file |
BooleanFormulaRecord |
A boolean formula's last calculated value |
BooleanRecord |
A boolean cell last calculated value |
BottomMarginRecord |
Record for the left margin settings |
BoundsheetRecord |
A boundsheet record, which contains the worksheet name |
BoundsheetRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
CellValue |
Abstract class for all records which actually contain cell values |
ColumnInfoRecord |
Contains the display info data which affects the entire columns |
CompoundFile |
Reads in and defrags an OLE compound compound file
(Made public only for the PropertySets demo) |
DateFormulaRecord |
A date formula's last calculated value |
DateRecord |
A date which is stored in the cell |
DefaultColumnWidthRecord |
Contains the default column width for cells in this sheet |
DefaultRowHeightRecord |
Contains the default column width for cells in this sheet |
DimensionRecord |
Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet |
DimensionRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
ErrorFormulaRecord |
An error resulting from the calculation of a formula |
ErrorRecord |
A cell containing an error code. |
ExternalSheetRecord |
An Externsheet record, containing the details of externally references
workbooks |
ExternalSheetRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
ExternalSheetRecord.XTI |
An XTI structure |
File |
File containing the data from the binary stream |
FooterRecord |
A workbook page footer record |
FooterRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
FormulaRecord |
A formula's last calculated value |
FormulaRecord.IgnoreSharedFormula |
Static class for a dummy override, indicating that the formula
passed in is not a shared formula |
HeaderRecord |
A workbook page header record |
HeaderRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord |
Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet |
HorizontalPageBreaksRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
HyperlinkRecord |
A number record. |
HyperlinkRecord.LinkType |
The excel type of hyperlink |
LabelRecord |
A label which is stored in the cell |
LabelRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
LabelSSTRecord |
A label which is stored in the shared string table |
LeftMarginRecord |
Record for the left margin settings |
MarginRecord |
Abstract class containing the margin value for top,left,right and bottom
margins |
MergedCellsRecord |
A merged cells record for a given sheet |
MsoDrawingGroupRecord |
A record which merely holds the MSODRAWINGGROUP data. |
MsoDrawingRecord |
A record which merely holds the MSODRAWING data. |
MulBlankCell |
A blank cell value, initialized indirectly from a multiple biff record
rather than directly from the binary data |
MulBlankRecord |
Contains an array of Blank, formatted cells |
MulRKRecord |
Contains an array of RK numbers |
NameRecord |
Holds an excel name record, and the details of the cells/ranges it refers
to |
NameRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
NineteenFourRecord |
Identifies the date system as the 1904 system or not |
NumberFormulaRecord |
A formula's last calculated value |
NumberRecord |
A number record. |
NumberValue |
A numerical cell value, initialized indirectly from a multiple biff record
rather than directly from the binary data |
ObjRecord |
A record which merely holds the OBJ data. |
PaletteRecord |
A password record |
PaneRecord |
Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet |
PasswordRecord |
A password record |
ProtectRecord |
A record detailing whether the sheet is protected |
RangeImpl |
Implementation class for the Range interface. |
Record |
A container for the raw record data within a biff file |
RightMarginRecord |
Record for the left margin settings |
RKHelper |
Helper to convert an RK number into a double or an integer |
RKRecord |
An individual RK record |
RowRecord |
A row record |
RStringRecord |
A label which is stored in the cell |
RStringRecord.Biff7 |
Dummy indicators for overloading the constructor |
SCLRecord |
Class containing the zoom factor for display |
SetupRecord |
Contains the page set up for a sheet |
SharedDateFormulaRecord |
A number formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula
"optimization" |
SharedFormulaRecord |
A shared formula |
SharedNumberFormulaRecord |
A number formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula
"optimization" |
SharedStringFormulaRecord |
A string formula record, manufactured out of the Shared Formula
"optimization" |
SheetImpl |
Represents a sheet within a workbook. |
SheetReader |
Reads the sheet. |
SSTRecord |
Holds all the strings in the shared string table |
SSTRecord.BooleanHolder |
A holder for a boolean |
SSTRecord.ByteArrayHolder |
A holder for a byte array |
StringFormulaRecord |
A string formula's last calculated value |
SupbookRecord |
A record containing the references to the various sheets (internal and
external) referenced by formulas in this workbook |
SupbookRecord.Type |
The type of supbook this refers to |
TopMarginRecord |
Record for the left margin settings |
Window2Record |
Contains the cell dimensions of this worksheet |
WorkbookParser |
Parses the biff file passed in, and builds up an internal representation of
the spreadsheet |