Class WritableWorkbook

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class WritableWorkbook
extends java.lang.Object

A writable workbook

Field Summary
static WritableFont ARIAL_10_PT
          The default font for Cell formats
static WritableFont HYPERLINK_FONT
          The font used for hyperlinks
static WritableCellFormat HYPERLINK_STYLE
          The style used for hyperlinks
static WritableCellFormat NORMAL_STYLE
          The default style for cells
Constructor Summary
protected WritableWorkbook()
          Constructor used by the implemenation class
Method Summary
abstract  void close()
          Closes this workbook, and makes any memory allocated available for garbage collection.
 void copy(Workbook w)
          Deprecated. Copying now occurs implicitly as part of the overloaded factory method Workbook.createWorkbood
abstract  void copySheet(int s, java.lang.String name, int index)
          Copies the specified sheet and places it at the index specified by the parameter
abstract  void copySheet(java.lang.String s, java.lang.String name, int index)
          Copies the specified sheet and places it at the index specified by the parameter
abstract  WritableSheet createSheet(java.lang.String name, int index)
          Creates, and returns a worksheet at the specified position with the specified name If the index specified is less than or equal to zero, the new sheet is created at the beginning of the workbook.
abstract  int getNumberOfSheets()
          Returns the number of sheets in this workbook
abstract  WritableSheet getSheet(int index)
          Gets the specified sheet within this workbook
abstract  WritableSheet getSheet(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the sheet with the specified name from within this workbook
abstract  WritableSheet[] getSheets()
          Gets the sheets within this workbook.
abstract  void removeSheet(int index)
          Removes the sheet at the specified index from this workbook
abstract  void setProtected(boolean prot)
          Indicates whether or not this workbook is protected
abstract  void write()
          Writes out the data held in this workbook in Excel format
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
, clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, registerNatives, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final WritableFont ARIAL_10_PT
The default font for Cell formats


public static WritableFont HYPERLINK_FONT
The font used for hyperlinks


public static final WritableCellFormat NORMAL_STYLE
The default style for cells


public static WritableCellFormat HYPERLINK_STYLE
The style used for hyperlinks
Constructor Detail


protected WritableWorkbook()
Constructor used by the implemenation class
Method Detail


public abstract WritableSheet[] getSheets()
Gets the sheets within this workbook. Use of this method for large worksheets can cause performance problems.
an array of the individual sheets


public abstract WritableSheet getSheet(int index)
                                throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
Gets the specified sheet within this workbook
index - the zero based index of the reQuired sheet
The sheet specified by the index
IndexOutOfBoundException - when index refers to a non-existent sheet


public abstract WritableSheet getSheet(java.lang.String name)
Gets the sheet with the specified name from within this workbook
name - the sheet name
The sheet with the specified name, or null if it is not found


public abstract int getNumberOfSheets()
Returns the number of sheets in this workbook
the number of sheets in this workbook


public abstract void close()
                    throws java.io.IOException
Closes this workbook, and makes any memory allocated available for garbage collection. Also closes the underlying output stream if necessary.
java.io.IOException -  


public abstract WritableSheet createSheet(java.lang.String name,
                                          int index)
Creates, and returns a worksheet at the specified position with the specified name If the index specified is less than or equal to zero, the new sheet is created at the beginning of the workbook. If the index is greater than the number of sheet, then the sheet is created at the end of the workbook.
name -  
index -  


public abstract void copySheet(int s,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               int index)
Copies the specified sheet and places it at the index specified by the parameter
s - the index of the sheet to copy
name - the name of the new sheet
index - the position of the new sheet


public abstract void copySheet(java.lang.String s,
                               java.lang.String name,
                               int index)
Copies the specified sheet and places it at the index specified by the parameter
s - the name of the sheet to copy
name - the name of the new sheet
index - the position of the new sheet


public abstract void removeSheet(int index)
Removes the sheet at the specified index from this workbook
index -  


public abstract void write()
                    throws java.io.IOException
Writes out the data held in this workbook in Excel format


public abstract void setProtected(boolean prot)
Indicates whether or not this workbook is protected
prot - Protected flag


public void copy(Workbook w)
Deprecated. Copying now occurs implicitly as part of the overloaded factory method Workbook.createWorkbood

This method can be used to create a writable clone of some other workbook
w -