A2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A2 420mm × 594mm
A3 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A3 297mm x 420mm
A3_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A3 Extra 322mm × 445mm
A3_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A3 Extra Transverse 322mm × 445mm
A3_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A3 Rotated 420mm × 297mm
A3_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A3 Transverse 297mm × 420mm
A4 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 210mm x 297mm
A4_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 Extra 235mm × 322mm
A4_PLUS - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 Plus 210mm × 330mm
A4_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 Rotated 297mm × 210mm
A4_SMALL - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 Small 210mm x 297 mm
A4_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A4 Transverse 210mm × 297mm
A5 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A5 148mm x 210mm
A5_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A5 Extra 174mm × 235mm
A5_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A5 Rotated 210mm × 148mm
A5_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A5 Transverse 148mm × 210mm
A6 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A6 105mm × 148mm
A6_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
A6 Rotated 148mm × 105mm
ACCOUNTING_FLOAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for an integer which is presented in accounting format (ie.
ACCOUNTING_INTEGER - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for an integer which is presented in accounting format (ie.
ACCOUNTING_RED_FLOAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
As ACCOUNTING_FLOAT except that deficits appear coloured red
ACCOUNTING_RED_INTEGER - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
As ACCOUNTING_INTEGER except that deficits appear coloured red
ALL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
AQUA - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
ARIAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
ARIAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Objects created with this font name will be rendered within Excel as ARIAL fonts
ARIAL_10_PT - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
The default font for Cell formats
AUTOMATIC - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Alignment - class jxl.format.Alignment.
Enumeration class which contains the various alignments for data within a cell
Alignment - class jxl.write.Alignment.
Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.Alignment. This version is retained for backwards compatibility
addCell(WritableCell) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Adds a cell to this sheet The RowsExceededException may be caught if client code wishes to explicitly trap the case where too many rows have been written to the current sheet.
addColumnPageBreak(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Forces a page break at the specified column
addHyperlink(WritableHyperlink) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Adds the specified hyperlink.
addImage(WritableImage) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Adds an image to the sheet
addNameArea(String, WritableSheet, int, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Add new named area to this workbook with the given information.
addRowPageBreak(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Forces a page break at the specified row
append(String) - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the text to the string buffer
appendDate() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the current date
appendPageNumber() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the page number
appendTime() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the current time
appendTotalPages() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the total number of pages
appendWorkSheetName() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the worksheet name
appendWorkbookName() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Appends the workbook name


B4 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B4 (JIS) 257mm x 364mm
B4_ISO - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B4 (ISO) 250mm × 353mm
B4_ISO_2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B4 (ISO) 250mm × 353mm
B4_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B4 (JIS) Rotated 364mm × 257mm
B5 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B5 (JIS) 182mm x 257mm
B5_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B5 (ISO) Extra 201mm × 276mm
B5_ISO - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B5 (ISO) 176mm × 250mm
B5_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B5 (JIS) Rotated 257mm × 182mm
B5_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B5 (JIS) Transverse 182mm × 257mm
B6 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B6 (JIS) 128mm × 182mm
B6_ISO - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B6 (ISO) 125mm × 176mm
B6_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
B6 (JIS) Rotated 182mm × 128mm
BETWEEN - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
BLACK - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
BLUE2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
BLUE_GREY - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
BOLD - Static variable in class jxl.format.BoldStyle
Emboldened style
BOLD - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
BOLD - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Indicates that this font should be presented in a BOLD style
BOOLEAN - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
BOOLEAN_FORMULA - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
BOTTOM - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
BOTTOM - Static variable in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Cells with this specified vertical alignment will have their data aligned at the bottom
BRIGHT_GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
BROWN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Blank - class jxl.write.Blank.
A blank cell.
Blank(int, int) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Blank
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates
Blank(int, int, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Blank
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates in the manner specified by the CellFormat parameter
Blank(Cell) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Blank
Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet being read in
BoldStyle - class jxl.format.BoldStyle.
Enumeration class containing the various bold styles for data
BoldStyle - class jxl.write.BoldStyle.
Enumeration class containing the various bold styles for data
Boolean - class jxl.write.Boolean.
A cell, created by user applications, which contains a boolean (or in some cases an error) value
Boolean(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Boolean
Constructs a boolean value, which, when added to a spreadsheet, will display the specified value at the column/row position indicated.
Boolean(int, int, boolean, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Boolean
Constructs a boolean, which, when added to a spreadsheet, will display the specified value at the column/row position with the specified CellFormat.
Boolean(BooleanCell) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Boolean
Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet that has been read in
BooleanCell - interface jxl.BooleanCell.
This type represents the Microsoft concept of a Boolean.
BooleanFormulaCell - interface jxl.BooleanFormulaCell.
A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers
Border - class jxl.format.Border.
The location of a border
Border - class jxl.write.Border.
Deprecated. repackaged as jxl.format.Border
BorderLineStyle - class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle.
The border line style
BorderLineStyle - class jxl.write.BorderLineStyle.
Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.BorderLineStyle


C - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
C 17" x 22"
CENTRE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
Data in cells with this alignment will be centred
CENTRE - Static variable in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Cells with this specified vertical alignment will have their data aligned centrally
COMPLEX_FORMAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Pass in to the constructor to bypass the format validation
CORAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
COURIER - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Objects created with this font name will be rendered within Excel as COURIER fonts
CSV - class jxl.demo.CSV.
Simple demo class which uses the api to present the contents of an excel 97 spreadsheet as comma separated values, using a workbook and output stream of your choice
CSV(Workbook, OutputStream, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.CSV
CURRENCY_DOLLAR - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for the US Dollar sign
CURRENCY_EURO_PREFIX - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for the Euro currency symbol where it precedes the format
CURRENCY_EURO_SUFFIX - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for the Euro currency symbol where it precedes the format
CURRENCY_JAPANESE_YEN - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for the Japanese Yen sign
CURRENCY_POUND - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for the UK pound sign
Cell - interface jxl.Cell.
Represents an individual Cell within a Sheet.
CellFeatures - class jxl.CellFeatures.
Container for any additional cell features
CellFeatures() - Constructor for class jxl.CellFeatures
CellFormat - interface jxl.CellFormat.
Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.CellFormat
CellFormat - interface jxl.format.CellFormat.
Interface for cell formats
CellReferenceHelper - class jxl.CellReferenceHelper.
Exposes some cell reference helper methods to the public interface.
CellType - class jxl.CellType.
An enumeration type listing the available content types for a cell
CellView - class jxl.CellView.
This is a bean which client applications may use to get/set various properties for a row or column on a spreadsheet
CellView() - Constructor for class jxl.CellView
Default constructor
CellView(CellView) - Constructor for class jxl.CellView
Copy constructor
Colour - class jxl.format.Colour.
Enumeration class which contains the various colours available within the standard Excel colour palette
Colour - class jxl.write.Colour.
Deprecated. This has been repackaged as jxl.format.Colour
clear() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Clears the contents of this portion
clear() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter
Clears the contents of the header/footer
close() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Closes this workbook, and frees makes any memory allocated available for garbage collection
close() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Closes this workbook, and makes any memory allocated available for garbage collection.
copy(Workbook) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Deprecated. Copying now occurs implicitly as part of the overloaded factory method Workbook.createWorkbood
copySheet(int, String, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Copy sheet within the same workbook.
copySheet(String, String, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Copies the specified sheet and places it at the index specified by the parameter
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.Blank
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.Boolean
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.DateTime
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.Formula
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.Label
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.Number
Implementation of the deep copy function
copyTo(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableCell
A deep copy.
createFont(String) - Static method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Factory method which creates the specified font name.
createSheet(String, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Creates, and returns a worksheet at the specified position with the specified name If the index specified is less than or equal to zero, the new sheet is created at the beginning of the workbook.
createWorkbook(File) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
createWorkbook(File, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
createWorkbook(File, Workbook) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook with the given filename as a copy of the workbook passed in.
createWorkbook(File, Workbook, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook with the given filename as a copy of the workbook passed in.
createWorkbook(OutputStream, Workbook) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook as a copy of the workbook passed in.
createWorkbook(OutputStream, Workbook, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook as a copy of the workbook passed in.
createWorkbook(OutputStream) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook.
createWorkbook(OutputStream, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Creates a writable workbook.


D - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
D 22" x 34"
DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_BLUE2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_PURPLE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_RED - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_RED2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_TEAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DARK_YELLOW - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DASHED - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
DASH_DOT - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
DASH_DOT_DOT - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
DATE - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
DATE_FORMULA - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
The default format.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
The default format.
DEFAULT_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DEFAULT_BACKGROUND1 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
DEFAULT_DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT - Static variable in class jxl.SheetSettings
The default value for the default row height
DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
The default point size for all Fonts
DOTTED - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
DOUBLE - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
DOUBLE - Static variable in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
DOUBLE - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING - Static variable in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
DOUBLE_ACCOUNTING - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
DOUBLE_JAPANESE_POSTCARD - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
DOUBLE_JAPANESE_POSTCARD_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
DOWN_THEN_RIGHT - Static variable in class jxl.format.PageOrder
Top to Down then Right.
DateCell - interface jxl.DateCell.
A date cell
DateFormat - class jxl.write.DateFormat.
A custom user defined number format which may be instantiated within user applications in order to present date and time values in the appropriate format.
DateFormat(String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateFormat
DateFormats - class jxl.write.DateFormats.
Static class which contains Excels predefined Date formats
DateFormats() - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateFormats
DateFormulaCell - interface jxl.DateFormulaCell.
A mixin interface for date formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for dates
DateTime - class jxl.write.DateTime.
A Date which may be created on the fly by a user application and added to a spreadsheet NOTE: By default, all dates will have local timezone information added to their UTC value.
DateTime(int, int, Date) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
DateTime(int, int, Date, DateRecord.GMTDate) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
Constructor, which adjusts the specified date to take timezone considerations into account.
DateTime(int, int, Date, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
Constructor which takes the format for this cell
DateTime(int, int, Date, CellFormat, DateRecord.GMTDate) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
Constructor, which adjusts the specified date to take timezone considerations into account
DateTime(int, int, Date, CellFormat, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
Constructor which takes the format for the cell and an indicator as to whether this cell is a full date time or purely just a time eg.
DateTime(DateCell) - Constructor for class jxl.write.DateTime
A constructor called by the worksheet when creating a writable version of a spreadsheet that has been read in
Demo - class jxl.demo.Demo.
The main demo class which interprets the command line switches in order to determine how to call the demo programs The demo program uses stdout as its default output stream
Demo() - Constructor for class jxl.demo.Demo
depUsed() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Accessor for the depUsed attribute


E - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
E 34" x 44"
EMPTY - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
An empty cell can still contain formatting information and comments
ENVELOPE_10 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope #10 4 1/8" x 9.5"
ENVELOPE_11 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope #11 4.5" x 10 3/8"
ENVELOPE_12 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope #12 4.75" x 11"
ENVELOPE_14 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope #14 5" x 11.5"
ENVELOPE_6_75 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
6.75 Envelope 3 5/8" × 6.5"
ENVELOPE_9 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope #9 3 7/8" x 8 7/8"
ENVELOPE_C3 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope C3 324mm × 458mm
ENVELOPE_C4 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope C4 229mm × 324mm
ENVELOPE_C5 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope C5 162mm × 229mm
ENVELOPE_C6 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope C6 114mm × 162mm
ENVELOPE_C6_C5 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope C6/C5 114mm × 229mm
ENVELOPE_DL - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope DL 110mm × 220mm
ENVELOPE_INVITE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope Invite 220mm × 220mm
ENVELOPE_ITALY - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope Italy 110mm × 230mm
ENVELOPE_MONARCH - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Envelope Monarch 3 7/8" × 7.5"
EQUAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
ERROR - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
EXECUTIVE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Executive 7.25" x 10.5"
EXPONENTIAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for exponential or scientific notation Equivalent to a DecimalFormat "0.00E00"
ErrorCell - interface jxl.ErrorCell.
This type represents a cell which contains an error.
ErrorFormulaCell - interface jxl.ErrorFormulaCell.
A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers
Escher - class jxl.demo.Escher.
Displays the escher data
Escher(Workbook, OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.Escher
EscherDrawingGroup - class jxl.demo.EscherDrawingGroup.
Displays the escher data
EscherDrawingGroup(Workbook, OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.EscherDrawingGroup
empty() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Queries if the contents are empty


FILL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
Data in cells with this alignment will fill the cell
FLOAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for a float.
FOLIO - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Folio 8.5" x 13"
FORMAT1 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
The default format.
FORMAT1 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to a DecimalFormat "#,##0;(#,##0)"
FORMAT10 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "mm:ss"
FORMAT10 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to DecimalFormat "##0.0E0"
FORMAT11 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "H:mm:ss"
FORMAT12 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "mm:ss.S"
FORMAT2 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "d-MMM-yy"
FORMAT2 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to FORMAT1 except deficits are coloured red
FORMAT3 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "d-MMM"
FORMAT3 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to DecimalFormat "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"
FORMAT4 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "MMM-yy"
FORMAT4 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to FORMAT3 except deficits are coloured red
FORMAT5 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "h:mm a"
FORMAT5 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to DecimalFormat "#,##0;(#,##0)"
FORMAT6 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "h:mm:ss a"
FORMAT6 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to FORMAT5 except deficits are coloured red
FORMAT7 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "H:mm"
FORMAT7 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to DecimalFormat "#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)"
FORMAT8 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "H:mm:ss"
FORMAT8 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to FORMAT7 except deficits are coloured red
FORMAT9 - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateFormats
Equivalent to a date format of "M/d/yy H:mm"
FORMAT9 - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Equivalent to FORMAT7
FORMULA_ERROR - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
FRACTIONS_EIGHTHS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as eighths
FRACTION_HALVES - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as halves
FRACTION_HUNDREDTHS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as hundredths
FRACTION_ONE_DIGIT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for one digit fractions
FRACTION_QUARTERS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as quarter
FRACTION_SIXTEENTHS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as sixteenths
FRACTION_TENTHS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for fractions as tenths
FRACTION_THREE_DIGITS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constant format string for three digit fractions
FRACTION_TWO_DIGITS - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for two digit fractions
Features - class jxl.demo.Features.
Goes through each cell in the workbook, and if the cell has any features associated with, it prints out the cell contents and the features
Features(Workbook, OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.Features
Font - interface jxl.format.Font.
Interface which exposes the user font display information to the user
Font - class jxl.write.Font.
Deprecated. Renamed to writable font
Font(WritableFont.FontName) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. Use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle, Colour) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Font(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle, Colour, ScriptStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Font
Deprecated. use jxl.write.WritableFont
Format - interface jxl.format.Format.
Exposes the cell formatting information
Formula - class jxl.write.Formula.
A cell, created by user applications, which contains a numerical value
Formula(int, int, String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Formula
Constructs the formula
Formula(int, int, String, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Formula
Constructs a formula
FormulaCell - interface jxl.FormulaCell.
Interface for formulas which allow clients to read the Excel formula
Formulas - class jxl.demo.Formulas.
Goes through each cell in the workbook, and if the contents of that cell is a formula, it prints out the last calculated value and the formula string
Formulas(Workbook, OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.Formulas
findByName(String) - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the named range from this workbook.
findByName(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the named range from this workbook.
findCell(String) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.
findCell(String, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.
findCell(Pattern, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the cell whose contents match the regular expressionstring passed in.
findCellByName(String) - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the named cell from this workbook.
findCellByName(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the named cell from this workbook.
findLabelCell(String) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.


GENERAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
The standard alignment
GERMAN_FANFOLD - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
German Std.
GERMAN_LEGAL_FANFOLD - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
German Legal Fanfold 8.5" × 13"
GMT - Static variable in class jxl.write.DateTime
Instance variable for dummy variable overload
GOLD - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GRAY_25 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GRAY_25 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
GRAY_50 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GRAY_50 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
GRAY_75 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
GRAY_80 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GREATER_EQUAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
GREATER_THAN - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GREY_25_PERCENT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GREY_40_PERCENT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GREY_50_PERCENT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
GREY_80_PERCENT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
getAlignment(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.Alignment
Gets the alignment from the value
getAlignment() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the horizontal cell alignment
getAlignment(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Gets the alignment from the value
getAllColours() - Static method in class jxl.format.Colour
Returns all available colours - used when generating the default palette
getArrayGrowSize() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the array grow size property
getAutoFilterDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the autofilter disabled feature
getAutomaticFormulaCalculation() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Retrieves the automatic formula calculation flag
getBackgroundColour() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the background colour used by this cell
getBlue() - Method in class jxl.format.RGB
Accessor for the blue component
getBoldWeight() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the bold weight for this font
getBorder(Border) - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the line style for the given cell border If a border type of ALL or NONE is specified, then a line style of NONE is returned
getBorderColour(Border) - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the colour for the given cell border If a border type of ALL or NONE is specified, then a line style of NONE is returned If the specified cell does not have an associated line style, then the colour the line would be is still returned
getBorderLine(Border) - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the line style for the given cell border If a border type of ALL or NONE is specified, then a line style of NONE is returned
getBottomMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the bottom margin
getBottomRight() - Method in interface jxl.Range
Gets the cell at the bottom right of this range
getCell(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Returns the cell specified at this row and at this column.
getCell(String) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Returns the cell for the specified location eg.
getCell(String) - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Returns the cell for the specified location eg.
getCellFeatures() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Gets any special cell features, such as comments (notes) or cell validation present for this cell
getCellFormat() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Gets the cell format which applies to this cell Note that for cell with a cell type of EMPTY, which has no formatting information, this method will return null.
getCellReference(int, int, StringBuffer) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Appends the cell reference for the column and row passed in to the string buffer
getCellReference(int, boolean, int, boolean, StringBuffer) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Overloaded method which prepends $ for absolute reference
getCellReference(int, int) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the cell reference for the specified column and row
getCellReference(int, int, int, Workbook, StringBuffer) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the fully qualified cell reference given the column, row external sheet reference etc
getCellReference(int, int, int, WritableWorkbook, StringBuffer) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the fully qualified cell reference given the column, row external sheet reference etc
getCellReference(int, int, boolean, int, boolean, Workbook, StringBuffer) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the fully qualified cell reference given the column, row external sheet reference etc
getCellReference(int, int, int, Workbook) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the fully qualified cell reference given the column, row external sheet reference etc
getCellReference(int, int, int, WritableWorkbook) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the fully qualified cell reference given the column, row external sheet reference etc
getCellValidationDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the ignore cell validation
getCentre() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter
Accessor for the contents which in the centre of the page
getCharacterSet() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the character set.
getColour() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the colour for this font
getColumn() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Returns the column number of this cell
getColumn(String) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the columnn number of the string cell reference
getColumn() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Returns the column number of this cell
getColumn() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image position
getColumn(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets all the cells on the specified column
getColumn() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image position
getColumnFormat(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Deprecated. Use getColumnView and the CellView bean instead
getColumnPageBreaks() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Accessor for the page breaks on this sheet
getColumnReference(int) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the column letter corresponding to the 0-based column number
getColumnView(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the column width for the specified column
getColumnWidth(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Deprecated. Use getColumnView instead
getColumns() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Returns the number of columns in this sheet
getComment() - Method in class jxl.CellFeatures
Accessor for the cell comment
getContents() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Quick and dirty function to return the contents of this cell as a string.
getCopies() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the number of copies to print
getDataValidationList() - Method in class jxl.CellFeatures
Gets the data validation list
getDate() - Method in interface jxl.DateCell
Gets the date contained in this cell
getDateFormat() - Method in interface jxl.DateCell
Gets the DateFormat used to format the cell.
getDefaultBlue() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Deprecated. use getDefaultRGB instead
getDefaultColumnWidth() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the default column width
getDefaultGreen() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Deprecated. use getDefaultRGB instead
getDefaultHeightMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Gets the default margin height
getDefaultRGB() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Returns the default RGB of the colour
getDefaultRed() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Deprecated. use getDefaultRGB instead
getDefaultRowHeight() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the default row height
getDefaultWidthMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Gets the default margin width
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.Alignment
Gets the string description of this alignment
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.BoldStyle
Gets the string description of the bold style
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.Border
Gets the description
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
Gets the textual description
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Gets the string description for display purposes
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.Orientation
Gets the textual description
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.Pattern
Gets the textual description
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
Gets the string description for display purposes
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
Gets the string description for display purposes
getDescription() - Method in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Gets the textual description
getDimension() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Deprecated. use getSize() instead
getDisplayZeroValues() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the displayZeroValues property
getDrawing(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Accessor for the image
getDrawingsDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Gets the drawings disabled flag
getEncoding() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the character encoding
getErrorCode() - Method in interface jxl.ErrorCell
Gets the error code for this cell.
getExcel9File() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Has this file been written by excel 2000?
getExcelDisplayLanguage() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Returns the two character ISO 3166 mnemonic used by excel for user language displayto display
getExcelRegionalSettings() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Returns the two character ISO 3166 mnemonic used by excel for its regional settings
getFile() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Returns the local file eferenced by this Hyperlink
getFirstSheetIndex() - Method in interface jxl.Range
Gets the index of the first sheet in the range
getFitHeight() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the fit height
getFitToPages() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the fit width print flag
getFitWidth() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the fit width
getFont() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the font information used by this format
getFooter() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the footer
getFooterMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the footer margin
getFormat() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Accessor for the cell format for this group.
getFormat() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the format used by this format
getFormatString() - Method in interface jxl.format.Format
Accesses the excel format string which is applied to the cell Note that this is the string that excel uses, and not the java equivalent
getFormula() - Method in interface jxl.FormulaCell
Gets the formula as a string
getFormulaAdjust() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the formula adjust disabled
getFunctionNames() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Gets the function names.
getGCDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the disabling of garbage collection
getGreen() - Method in class jxl.format.RGB
Accessor for the green component
getHeader() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the header
getHeaderMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the header margin
getHeight() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image dimensions
getHeight(LengthUnit) - Method in interface jxl.Image
Get the height of this image as rendered within Excel
getHeight() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image dimensions
getHideobj() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
The HIDEOBJ record stores options selected in the Options dialog,View tab Possible values are: HIDEOBJ_HIDE_ALL, HIDEOBJ_SHOW_ALL and HIDEOBJ_SHOW_PLACEHOLDERS
getHorizontalFreeze() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Gets the row at which the pane is frozen horizontally
getHorizontalPrintResolution() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the horizontal print resolution
getHorizontalResolution(LengthUnit) - Method in interface jxl.Image
Gets the horizontal resolution of the image, if that information is available.
getHyperlinks() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the hyperlinks on this sheet
getIgnoreBlanks() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the ignore blanks flag
getImage(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Accessor for the image
getImageAnchor() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the anchor properties
getImageData() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image data
getImageData() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image data
getImageFile() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image file
getImageFile() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image file
getImageHeight() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Gets the height of the image.
getImageWidth() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Gets the width of the image.
getIndentation() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the indentation of the cell text
getInitialFileSize() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the initial file size property
getInternalColour(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.Colour
Gets the internal colour from the value
getLastColumn() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Returns the column number of the bottom right cell
getLastRow() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Returns the row number of the bottom right cell
getLastSheetIndex() - Method in interface jxl.Range
Gets the index of the last sheet in the range
getLeft() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter
Accessor for the contents which appear on the left hand side of the page
getLeftMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the left margin
getLocale() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Returns the locale used by JExcelAPI to read the spreadsheet
getMergedCellCheckingDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor to retrieve the merged cell checking flag
getMergedCells() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the cells which have been merged on this sheet
getName() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the name of this sheet
getName() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the name of this font
getNamesDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the disabling of interpretation of named ranges
getNormalMagnification() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the nomral view magnificaton factor.
getNumberFormat() - Method in interface jxl.NumberCell
Gets the NumberFormat used to format this cell.
getNumberOfImages() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Accessor for the number of images on the sheet
getNumberOfImages() - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Accessor for the number of images on the sheet
getNumberOfSheets() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Returns the number of sheets in this workbook
getNumberOfSheets() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Returns the number of sheets in this workbook
getOrientation() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the orientation
getOrientation() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the orientation
getOrientation(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.Orientation
Gets the alignment from the value
getPageBreakPreviewMagnification() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the page break preview mangificaton factor.
getPageBreakPreviewMode() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the pageBreakPreview mode
getPageOrder() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the order
getPageStart() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the page start
getPaperSize() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the paper size
getPaperSize(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Gets the paper size for a specific value
getPassword() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the password
getPasswordHash() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the password hash - used only when copying sheets
getPattern() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the pattern used by this cell format
getPattern(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.Pattern
Gets the pattern from the value
getPointSize() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the point size for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
getPrintArea() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the print area
getPrintGridLines() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the printGridLines property
getPrintHeaders() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the printHeaders property
getPrintTitlesCol() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the print column titles
getPrintTitlesRow() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the print row titles
getPropertySetsDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor to retrieve the property sets disabled flag
getRange() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Gets the range of cells which activate this hyperlink The get sheet index methods will all return -1, because the cells will all be present on the same sheet
getRangeNames() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the named ranges
getRangeNames() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the named ranges
getRationalizationDisabled() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor to retrieve the rationalization flag
getRecalculateFormulasBeforeSave() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Retrieves the recalculate formulas before save flag
getRed() - Method in class jxl.format.RGB
Accessor for the red component
getRefreshAll() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
When true then Refresh All should be done on all external data ranges and PivotTables when loading the workbook (the default is =0)
getRight() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter
Accessor for the contents which appear on the right hand side of the page
getRightMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the right margin
getRow() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Returns the row number of this cell
getRow(String) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the row number of the cell reference
getRow() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Returns the row number of this cell
getRow() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image position
getRow(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets all the cells on the specified row
getRow() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image position
getRowHeight(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Deprecated. use getRowView instead
getRowPageBreaks() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Accessor for the page breaks on this sheet
getRowView(int) - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the row height for the specified column
getRows() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Returns the number of rows in this sheet
getScaleFactor() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the scale factor
getScriptStyle() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the script style
getSettings() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Gets the settings used on a particular sheet
getSheet(String) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Gets the sheet name from the cell reference string
getSheet(int) - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the specified sheet within this workbook As described in the accompanying technical notes, each call to getSheet forces a reread of the sheet (for memory reasons).
getSheet(String) - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the sheet with the specified name from within this workbook.
getSheet(int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the specified sheet within this workbook
getSheet(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the sheet with the specified name from within this workbook
getSheetNames() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the sheet names
getSheetNames() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the sheet names
getSheets() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Gets the sheets within this workbook.
getSheets() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Gets the sheets within this workbook.
getShowGridLines() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the showGridLines property
getSize() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Gets the width of the column in characters multiplied by 256, or the height of the row in 1/20ths of a point
getString() - Method in interface jxl.LabelCell
Gets the label for this cell.
getStyle(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
Gets the alignment from the value
getStyle(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
Gets the ScriptStyle from the value
getStyle(int) - Static method in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
Gets the UnderlineStyle from the value
getTemplate() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Workbook Is a Template
getTemporaryFileDuringWriteDirectory() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Used in conjunction with the UseTemporaryFileDuringWrite setting to set the target directory for the temporary files.
getTopLeft() - Method in interface jxl.Range
Gets the cell at the top left of this range
getTopMargin() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the top margin
getType() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Returns the content type of this cell
getURL() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Gets the URL referenced by this Hyperlink
getUnderlineStyle() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Gets the underline style for this font
getUseTemporaryFileDuringWrite() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor for the temporary file during write.
getValue() - Method in interface jxl.BooleanCell
Gets the boolean value stored in this cell.
getValue() - Method in interface jxl.NumberCell
Gets the double contents for this cell.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.Alignment
Gets the value of this alignment.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.BoldStyle
Gets the value of the bold weight.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
Gets the value for this line style
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.Colour
Gets the value of this colour.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.Orientation
Accessor for the binary value
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Accessor for the internal binary value association with this paper size
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.Pattern
Gets the value of this pattern.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
Gets the value of this style.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
Gets the value of this style.
getValue() - Method in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Accessor for the binary value
getVersion() - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
Accessor for the software version
getVerticalAlignment() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the vertical cell alignment
getVerticalFreeze() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Gets the column at which the pane is frozen vertically
getVerticalPrintResolution() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the vertical print resolution
getVerticalResolution(LengthUnit) - Method in interface jxl.Image
Gets the vertical resolution of the image, if that information is available.
getWidth() - Method in interface jxl.Image
Accessor for the image dimensions
getWidth(LengthUnit) - Method in interface jxl.Image
Get the width of this image as rendered within Excel
getWidth() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image dimensions
getWindowProtected() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
getWorkbook(File) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
getWorkbook(File, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
getWorkbook(InputStream) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
getWorkbook(InputStream, WorkbookSettings) - Static method in class jxl.Workbook
A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
getWrap() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets whether or not the contents of this cell are wrapped
getWritableCell(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Gets the writable cell from this sheet.
getWritableCell(String) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Returns the cell for the specified location eg.
getWritableCell(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Returns the cell for the specified location eg.
getWritableCellFeatures() - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableCell
Accessor for the cell features
getWritableHyperlinks() - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Gets the writable hyperlinks from this sheet.
getWriteAccess() - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
getZoomFactor() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the zoom factor.


HAIR - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
HIDDEN_STYLE - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
A cell format used to hide the cell contents
HIDEOBJ_HIDE_ALL - Static variable in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
The HIDEOBJ record stores options selected in the Options dialog,View tab.
HIDEOBJ_SHOW_ALL - Static variable in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
The HIDEOBJ record stores options selected in the Options dialog,View tab.
HIDEOBJ_SHOW_PLACEHOLDERS - Static variable in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
The HIDEOBJ record stores options selected in the Options dialog,View tab.
HORIZONTAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will be horizontal
HYPERLINK_FONT - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
The font used for hyperlinks
HYPERLINK_STYLE - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
The style used for hyperlinks
HeaderFooter - class jxl.HeaderFooter.
Class which represents an Excel header or footer.
HeaderFooter() - Constructor for class jxl.HeaderFooter
Default constructor.
HeaderFooter(HeaderFooter) - Constructor for class jxl.HeaderFooter
Copy constructor
HeaderFooter(String) - Constructor for class jxl.HeaderFooter
Constructor used when reading workbooks to separate the left, right a central part of the strings into their constituent parts
HeaderFooter.Contents - class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents.
The contents - a simple wrapper around a string buffer
Hyperlink - interface jxl.Hyperlink.
Hyperlink information.
hasBorders() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Determines if this cell format has any borders at all.


ICE_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
INDIGO - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
INTEGER - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for an integer number.
IVORY - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Image - interface jxl.Image.
Accessor functions for an image
importSheet(String, int, Sheet) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Imports a sheet from a different workbook.
insertColumn(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Inserts a blank column into this spreadsheet.
insertRow(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Inserts a blank row into this spreadsheet.
isAutosize() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Accessor for the autosize flag NOTE: use of the autosize function is very processor intensive, so use with care
isColumnRelative(String) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Sees if the column component is relative or not
isFile() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Determines whether this is a hyperlink to a file
isHidden() - Method in interface jxl.Cell
Indicates whether or not this cell is hidden, by virtue of either the entire row or column being collapsed
isHidden() - Method in class jxl.CellView
Accessor for the hidden nature of this row/column
isHidden() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Deprecated. in favour of the getSettings() method
isHidden() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the hidden nature of this sheet
isHorizontalCentre() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the horizontal centre
isItalic() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Returns the italic flag
isLocation() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Determines whether this is a hyperlink to a location in this workbook
isLocked() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Accessor for whether a particular cell is locked
isProtected() - Method in interface jxl.Sheet
Deprecated. in favour of the getSettings() method
isProtected() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Queries whether this sheet is protected (ie.
isProtected() - Method in class jxl.Workbook
Determines whether the sheet is protected
isRowRelative(String) - Static method in class jxl.CellReferenceHelper
Sees if the row component is relative or not
isSelected() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the selected nature of the sheet
isShrinkToFit() - Method in interface jxl.format.CellFormat
Gets the shrink to fit flag
isStruckout() - Method in interface jxl.format.Font
Returns the strike-out flag
isStruckout() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Accessor for the strike-out flag
isTime() - Method in interface jxl.DateCell
Indicates whether the date value contained in this cell refers to a date, or merely a time
isURL() - Method in interface jxl.Hyperlink
Determines whether this is a hyperlink to a web resource
isVerticalCentre() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the vertical centre


JAPANESE_POSTCARD - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Japanese Postcard 100mm × 148mm
JAPANESE_POSTCARD_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Japanese Postcard Rot.
JUSTIFY - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
Data in cells with this alignment will be justified
JUSTIFY - Static variable in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Cells with this specified vertical alignment will have their data justified
JXLException - exception jxl.JXLException.
Base exception class for JExcelAPI exceptions
jxl - package jxl
jxl.demo - package jxl.demo
jxl.format - package jxl.format
jxl.write - package jxl.write


LABEL - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
LANDSCAPE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PageOrientation
Landscape orientation
LAVENDER - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LEDGER - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Leger 17" x 11"
LEFT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
Data cells with this alignment will appear at the left hand edge of the cell
LEFT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
LEGAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
US Legal 8.5" x 14"
LEGAL_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Legal Extra 9.5" × 15"
LESS_EQUAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
LESS_THAN - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
LETTER - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
US Letter 8.5 x 11"
LETTER_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter Extra 9.5" × 12"
LETTER_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter Extra Transv.
LETTER_PLUS - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter Plus 8.5" x 12 11/16"
LETTER_ROTATED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter Rotated 11" × 8.5"
LETTER_SMALL - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter small 8.5" × 11"
LETTER_TRANSVERSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Letter Transverse 8.5" × 11"
LIGHT_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LIGHT_GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LIGHT_ORANGE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LIGHT_TURQUOISE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LIGHT_TURQUOISE2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
LIME - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Label - class jxl.write.Label.
A cell containing text which may be created by user applications
Label(int, int, String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Label
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will contain the specified text
Label(int, int, String, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Label
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will present the specified text in the manner specified by the CellFormat parameter
Label(LabelCell) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Label
Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet being read in
LabelCell - interface jxl.LabelCell.
A label cell


MEDIUM - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
MEDIUM_DASHED - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
MEDIUM_DASH_DOT - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
MINUS_45 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will have their data presented with a rotation 45 degrees downwards
MINUS_90 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will have their data presented with a rotation of 90 degrees downwards
MOVE_AND_SIZE_WITH_CELLS - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Image anchor properties which will move and resize an image along with the cells
MOVE_WITH_CELLS - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Image anchor properties which will move an image when cells are inserted or deleted
main(String[]) - Static method in class jxl.demo.Demo
The main method.
mergeCells(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Merges the specified cells.
moveSheet(int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Moves the specified sheet within this workbook to another index position.


NONE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
NONE - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
NONE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
NORMAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.BoldStyle
Normal style
NORMAL_SCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
NORMAL_SCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
NORMAL_STYLE - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
The default style for cells
NOTE - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
NOTE 8.5" x 11"
NOT_BETWEEN - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
NOT_EQUAL - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
NO_BOLD - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
NO_BOLD - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Indicates that this font should not be presented as bold
NO_MOVE_OR_SIZE_WITH_CELLS - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Image anchor properties which will leave an image unaffected when other cells are inserted, removed or resized
NO_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
NO_UNDERLINE - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
NUMBER - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
NUMBER_FORMULA - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
Number - class jxl.write.Number.
A cell, created by user applications, which contains a numerical value
Number(int, int, double) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Number
Constructs a number, which, when added to a spreadsheet, will display the specified value at the column/row position indicated.
Number(int, int, double, CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Number
Constructs a number, which, when added to a spreadsheet, will display the specified value at the column/row position with the specified CellFormat.
Number(NumberCell) - Constructor for class jxl.write.Number
Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet that has been read in
NumberCell - interface jxl.NumberCell.
A cell which contains a numerical value
NumberFormat - class jxl.write.NumberFormat.
A custom user defined number format, which may be instantiated within user applications in order to present numerical values to the appropriate level of accuracy.
NumberFormat(String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constructor, taking in the Java compliant number format
NumberFormat(String, NumberFormatRecord.NonValidatingFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.NumberFormat
Constructor, taking in the non-Java compliant number format.
NumberFormats - class jxl.write.NumberFormats.
Static class which contains the available list of built in Number formats
NumberFormats() - Constructor for class jxl.write.NumberFormats
NumberFormulaCell - interface jxl.NumberFormulaCell.
A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for numbers


OCEAN_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
OLIVE_GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
ORANGE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Orientation - class jxl.format.Orientation.
Enumeration type which describes the orientation of data within a cell


PALETTE_BLACK - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PALE_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PATTERN1 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN10 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN11 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN12 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN13 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN14 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN3 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN4 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN5 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN6 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN7 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN8 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PATTERN9 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
PERCENT_FLOAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for a float percentage Equivalent to a DecimalFormat "0.00%"
PERCENT_INTEGER - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for an integer presented as a percentage Equivalent to a DecimalFormat of "0%"
PERIWINKLE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PINK - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PINK2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PLUM - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PLUM2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
PLUS_45 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will have their data presented with a rotation 45 degrees upwards
PLUS_90 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will have their data presented with a rotation of 90 degrees upwards
PORTRAIT - Static variable in class jxl.format.PageOrientation
Portrait orientation
PageOrder - class jxl.format.PageOrder.
Enumeration type which describes the page orientation
PageOrientation - class jxl.format.PageOrientation.
Enumeration type which describes the page orientation
PaperSize - class jxl.format.PaperSize.
Enumeration type which contains the available excel paper sizes and their codes
Pattern - class jxl.format.Pattern.
Enumeration class which contains the various patterns available within the standard Excel pattern palette
Pattern - class jxl.write.Pattern.
Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.Pattern


QUARTO - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Quarto 215mm x 275mm


RED - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
RGB - class jxl.format.RGB.
A structure which contains the RGB values for a particular colour
RGB(int, int, int) - Constructor for class jxl.format.RGB
RIGHT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Alignment
Data in cells with this alignment will be right aligned
RIGHT - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
RIGHT_THEN_DOWN - Static variable in class jxl.format.PageOrder
Left to Right then Down.
ROSE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Range - interface jxl.Range.
Represents a 3-D range of cells in a workbook.
ReadWrite - class jxl.demo.ReadWrite.
Demo class which uses the api to read in a spreadsheet and generate a clone of that spreadsheet which contains the same data.
ReadWrite(String, String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.ReadWrite
readWrite() - Method in class jxl.demo.ReadWrite
Reads in the inputFile and creates a writable copy of it called outputFile
removeColumn(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Removes a column from this spreadsheet.
removeComment() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Removes the cell comment, if present
removeDataValidation() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Removes any data validation, if present
removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Removes the specified hyperlink.
removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Removes the specified hyperlink.
removeImage(WritableImage) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Removes the specified image from the sheet.
removeRangeName(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Removes the specified named range from the workbook.
removeRow(int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Removes a row from this spreadsheet.
removeSheet(int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Removes the sheet at the specified index from this workbook


SEA_GREEN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
SINGLE - Static variable in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
SINGLE - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
SINGLE_ACCOUNTING - Static variable in class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle
SINGLE_ACCOUNTING - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
SIZE_10x11 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
10×11 10" × 11"
SIZE_10x14 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
10" x 14"
SIZE_10x17 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
11" x 17"
SIZE_15x11 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
15×11 15" × 11"
SIZE_9x11 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
9×11 9" × 11"
SKY_BLUE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
SLANTED_DASH_DOT - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
SOLID - Static variable in class jxl.format.Pattern
STACKED - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation will have their text stacked downwards, but not rotated
STATEMENT - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Statement 5.5" x 8.5"
STRING_FORMULA - Static variable in class jxl.CellType
SUBSCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
SUBSCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.format.ScriptStyle
SUPERSCRIPT - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
SUPER_A_A4 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Super A/A4 227mm × 356mm
SUPER_B_A3 - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Super B/A3 305mm × 487mm
ScriptStyle - class jxl.format.ScriptStyle.
Enumeration class which contains the various script styles available within the standard Excel ScriptStyle palette
Sheet - interface jxl.Sheet.
Represents a sheet within a workbook.
SheetSettings - class jxl.SheetSettings.
This is a bean which client applications may use to get/set various properties which are associated with a particular worksheet, such as headers and footers, page orientation etc.
SheetSettings(Sheet) - Constructor for class jxl.SheetSettings
Default constructor
SheetSettings(SheetSettings, Sheet) - Constructor for class jxl.SheetSettings
Copy constructor.
StringFormulaCell - interface jxl.StringFormulaCell.
A mixin interface for numerical formulas, which combines the interfaces for formulas and for strings
setAlignment(Alignment) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the horizontal alignment for this format
setArrayGrowSize(int) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the amount of memory by which to increase the amount of memory allocated to storing the workbook data.
setAutoFilterDisabled(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the autofilter disabled
setAutomaticFormulaCalculation(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the automatic formula calculation flag
setAutosize(boolean) - Method in class jxl.CellView
Sets the autosize flag.
setBackground(Colour) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the background colour for this cell format
setBackground(Colour, Pattern) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the background colour and pattern for this cell format
setBoldStyle(WritableFont.BoldStyle) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the bold style for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
setBorder(Border, BorderLineStyle) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the specified border for this format
setBorder(Border, BorderLineStyle, Colour) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the specified border for this format
setBottomMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the bottom margin
setCellFeatures(WritableCellFeatures) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableCell
Sets the cell features
setCellFormat(CellFormat) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableCell
Sets the cell format for this cell
setCellValidationDisabled(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the ignore cell validation flag
setCharacterSet(int) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the character set.
setColour(Colour) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the colour for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
setColourRGB(Colour, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Sets the RGB value for the specified colour for this workbook
setColumn(double) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image position
setColumnGroup(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets a column grouping
setColumnView(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the width of the column on this sheet, in characters.
setColumnView(int, int, CellFormat) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Deprecated. Use the CellView bean instead
setColumnView(int, CellView) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the view for this column
setComment(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Sets the cell comment
setComment(String, double, double) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Sets the cell comment and sets the size of the text box (in cells) in which the comment is displayed
setCopies(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the number of copies
setDataValidationList(Collection) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
The list of items to validate for this cell.
setDataValidationRange(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
The list of items to validate for this cell in the form of a cell range.
setDataValidationRange(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Sets the data validation based upon a named range
setDate(Date) - Method in class jxl.write.DateTime
Sets the date for this cell
setDate(Date, DateRecord.GMTDate) - Method in class jxl.write.DateTime
Sets the date for this cell, performing the necessary timezone adjustments
setDefaultColumnWidth(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the default column width
setDefaultRowHeight(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the default row height
setDescription(String) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Sets the description to appear in the hyperlink cell
setDimension(int) - Method in class jxl.CellView
Deprecated. use the setSize method instead
setDisplayZeroValues(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the displayZeroValues property
setDrawingsDisabled(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Disables the handling of drawings
setEncoding(String) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the encoding for this workbook
setExcel9File(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
setExcelDisplayLanguage(String) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the language in which the generated file will display
setExcelRegionalSettings(String) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the regional settings for the generated excel file
setFile(File) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Sets the file activated by this hyperlink
setFitHeight(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the number of pages vertically that this sheet will be printed into
setFitToPages(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the fit to pages flag
setFitWidth(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the number of pages widthwise which this sheet should be printed into
setFontName(String) - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Sets the font of text subsequently appended to this object..
setFontSize(int) - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Sets the font size of text subsequently appended to this object.
setFooter(HeaderFooter) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the footer
setFooter(String, String, String) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean
setFooterMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the margin for any page footer
setFormat(CellFormat) - Method in class jxl.CellView
Sets the cell format for this group of cells
setFormulaAdjust(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Setter for the formula adjust disabled property
setGCDisabled(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the garbage collection disabled
setHeader(HeaderFooter) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the header
setHeader(String, String, String) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean
setHeaderMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the margin for any page headers
setHeight(double) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image dimensions Note that the actual size of the rendered image will depend on the height of the rows it spans
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class jxl.CellView
Sets the hidden status of this row/column
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the hidden status of this worksheet
setHidden(boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead
setHideobj(int) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
The HIDEOBJ record stores options selected in the Options dialog,View tab Possible values are: HIDEOBJ_HIDE_ALL, HIDEOBJ_SHOW_ALL and HIDEOBJ_SHOW_PLACEHOLDERS
setHorizontalCentre(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the horizontal centre
setHorizontalFreeze(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the row at which the pane is frozen horizontally
setHorizontalPrintResolution(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the horizontal print resolution
setIgnoreBlanks(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the ignore blanks flag
setImageAnchor(Drawing.ImageAnchorProperties) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the anchor properties
setIndentation(int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the indentation of the cell text
setInitialFileSize(int) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the initial amount of memory allocated to store the workbook data when reading a worksheet.
setItalic(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the italic indicator for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
setLeftMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the left margin
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets the locale used by JExcelApi to generate the spreadsheet.
setLocation(String, WritableSheet, int, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Sets the location of the cells to be linked to within this workbook
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets whether or not this XF record locks the cell.
setMergedCellChecking(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor to set the merged cell checking
setName(String) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the name of this sheet
setNamesDisabled(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Disables the handling of names
setNormalMagnification(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the normal magnificaton factor.
setNumberValidation(double, BaseCellFeatures.ValidationCondition) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Sets the numeric value against which to validate
setNumberValidation(double, double, BaseCellFeatures.ValidationCondition) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Sets the numeric range against which to validate the data
setOrientation(PageOrientation) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the paper orientation for printing this sheet
setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the text orientation for this format
setOutputFile(File) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Sets a new output file.
setPageBreakPreviewMagnification(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the page break preview magnificaton factor.
setPageBreakPreviewMode(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the pageBreakPreviewMode property
setPageOrder(PageOrder) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the page order for printing this sheet
setPageSetup(PageOrientation) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the page setup details
setPageSetup(PageOrientation, double, double) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the page setup details
setPageSetup(PageOrientation, PaperSize, double, double) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the page setup details
setPageStart(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the page number at which to commence printing
setPaperSize(PaperSize) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the paper size to be used when printing this sheet
setPassword(String) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the password for this sheet
setPasswordHash(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Accessor for the password hash - used only when copying sheets
setPointSize(int) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the point size for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
setPrintArea(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the print area for this sheet
setPrintGridLines(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the printGridLines property
setPrintHeaders(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the printHeaders property
setPrintTitles(int, int, int, int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets both of the print titles for this sheet
setPrintTitlesCol(int, int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the print column titles for this sheet
setPrintTitlesRow(int, int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the print row titles for this sheet
setPropertySets(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets whether or not to enable any property sets (such as macros) to be copied along with the workbook Leaving this feature enabled will result in the JXL process using more memory
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the protected (ie.
setProtected(boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Deprecated. use the SheetSettings bean instead
setProtected(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Indicates whether or not this workbook is protected
setRationalization(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets whether or not to rationalize the cell formats before writing out the sheet.
setRecalculateFormulasBeforeSave(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the recalculate formulas when the sheet is saved flag
setRefreshAll(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
When true then Refresh All should be done on all external data ranges and PivotTables when loading the workbook (the default is =0)
setRightMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the right margin
setRow(double) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image position
setRowGroup(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets a row grouping
setRowView(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
setRowView(int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the properties of the specified row
setRowView(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
setRowView(int, CellView) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Sets the view for this column
setScaleFactor(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the scale factor for this sheet to be used when printing.
setScriptStyle(ScriptStyle) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the script style (eg.
setSelected() - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Deprecated. use overloaded version which takes a boolean
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets this sheet to be when it is opened in excel
setShowGridLines(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the showGridLines property
setShrinkToFit(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the shrink to fit flag
setSize(int) - Method in class jxl.CellView
Sets the dimension for this view
setString(String) - Method in class jxl.write.Label
Sets the string contents of this cell
setStruckout(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets Accessor for the strike-out flag
setSuppressWarnings(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Accessor to set the suppress warnings flag.
setTemplate(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Workbook Is a Template
setTemporaryFileDuringWriteDirectory(File) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Used in conjunction with the UseTemporaryFileDuringWrite setting to set the target directory for the temporary files.
setTopMargin(double) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the top margin
setURL(URL) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Sets the URL of this hyperlink
setUnderlineStyle(UnderlineStyle) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Sets the underline style for this font, if the font hasn't been initialized
setUseTemporaryFileDuringWrite(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Sets whether a temporary file is used during the generation of the workbook.
setValue(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.Boolean
Sets the boolean value for this cell
setValue(double) - Method in class jxl.write.Number
Sets the numerical value for this cell
setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the vertical alignment for this format
setVerticalCentre(boolean) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the vertical centre
setVerticalFreeze(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the row at which the pane is frozen vertically
setVerticalPrintResolution(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the vertical print reslution
setWidth(double) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableImage
Accessor for the image dimensions Note that the actual size of the rendered image will depend on the width of the columns it spans
setWindowProtected(boolean) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
setWrap(boolean) - Method in class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
Sets the wrap indicator for this format.
setWriteAccess(String) - Method in class jxl.WorkbookSettings
setZoomFactor(int) - Method in class jxl.SheetSettings
Sets the zoom factor.


TABLOID - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Tabloid 11" x 17"
TABLOID_EXTRA - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
Tabloid Extra 11 11/16" × 18"
TAHOMA - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Objects created with this font name will be rendered within Excel as TAHOMA fonts
TAN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
TEAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
TEAL2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
TEXT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Forces numbers to be interpreted as text
THICK - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
THIN - Static variable in class jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
THOUSANDS_FLOAT - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for a float that has a thousands separator.
THOUSANDS_INTEGER - Static variable in class jxl.write.NumberFormats
Formatting for an integer that has a thousands separator.
TIMES - Static variable in class jxl.write.Font
TIMES - Static variable in class jxl.write.WritableFont
Objects created with this font name will be rendered within Excel as TIMES fonts
TOP - Static variable in class jxl.format.Border
TOP - Static variable in class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
Cells with this specified vertical alignment will have their data aligned at the top
TURQOISE2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
TURQUOISE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
toString() - Method in class jxl.CellType
Returns a string description of this cell
toString() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter
Retrieves a Stringified version of this object
toggleBold() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns bold printing on or off.
toggleDoubleUnderline() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns double-underline printing on or off.
toggleItalics() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns italics printing on or off.
toggleOutline() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns outline printing on or off (Macintosh only).
toggleShadow() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns shadow printing on or off (Macintosh only).
toggleStrikethrough() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns strikethrough printing on or off.
toggleSubScript() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns subscript printing on or off.
toggleSuperScript() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns superscript printing on or off.
toggleUnderline() - Method in class jxl.HeaderFooter.Contents
Turns underline printing on or off.


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
US Letter 8.5 x 11"
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
US_FANFOLD - Static variable in class jxl.format.PaperSize
US Standard Fanfold 14 7/8" × 11"
UnderlineStyle - class jxl.format.UnderlineStyle.
Enumeration class which contains the various underline styles available within the standard Excel UnderlineStyle palette
unmergeCells(Range) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Unmerges the specified cells.
unsetColumnGroup(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Unsets a column grouping
unsetRowGroup(int, int) - Method in interface jxl.write.WritableSheet
Unsets a row grouping


VERTICAL - Static variable in class jxl.format.Orientation
Cells with this specified orientation have their data presented vertically
VERY_LIGHT_YELLOW - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
VIOLET - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
VIOLET2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
VerticalAlignment - class jxl.format.VerticalAlignment.
Enumeration type which describes the vertical alignment of data within a cell
VerticalAlignment - class jxl.write.VerticalAlignment.
Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.VerticalAlignment


WHITE - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
Workbook - class jxl.Workbook.
Represents a Workbook.
WorkbookSettings - class jxl.WorkbookSettings.
This is a bean which client applications may use to set various advanced workbook properties.
WorkbookSettings() - Constructor for class jxl.WorkbookSettings
Default constructor
WritableCell - interface jxl.write.WritableCell.
The interface for all writable cells
WritableCellFeatures - class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures.
Container for any additional cell features
WritableCellFeatures() - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
WritableCellFeatures(CellFeatures) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures
Copy constructor
WritableCellFormat - class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat.
A user specified cell format, which may be reused across many cells.
WritableCellFormat() - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
A default constructor, which uses the default font and format.
WritableCellFormat(WritableFont) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
A CellFormat which specifies the font for cells with this format
WritableCellFormat(DisplayFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
A constructor which specifies a date/number format for Cells which use this format object
WritableCellFormat(WritableFont, DisplayFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
A constructor which specifies the font and date/number format for cells which wish to use this format
WritableCellFormat(CellFormat) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableCellFormat
A public copy constructor which can be used for copy formats between different sheets
WritableFont - class jxl.write.WritableFont.
A class which is instantiated when the user application wishes to specify the font for a particular cell
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a default font, vanilla font of the specified face and with default point size.
WritableFont(Font) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Publicly available copy constructor
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Constructs of font of the specified face and of size given by the specified point size
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a font of the specified face, point size and bold style
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a font of the specified face, point size, bold weight and italicised option.
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a font of the specified face, point size, bold weight, italicisation and underline style
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle, Colour) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a font of the specified face, point size, bold style, italicisation, underline style and colour
WritableFont(WritableFont.FontName, int, WritableFont.BoldStyle, boolean, UnderlineStyle, Colour, ScriptStyle) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableFont
Creates a font of the specified face, point size, bold style, italicisation, underline style, colour, and script style (superscript/subscript)
WritableFont.FontName - class jxl.write.WritableFont.FontName.
Static inner class used for classifying the font names
WritableHyperlink - class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink.
A writable hyperlink.
WritableHyperlink(Hyperlink, WritableSheet) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructor used internally by the worksheet when making a copy of worksheet
WritableHyperlink(int, int, URL) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a URL hyperlink in a single cell
WritableHyperlink(int, int, int, int, URL) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a url hyperlink to a range of cells
WritableHyperlink(int, int, int, int, URL, String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a url hyperlink to a range of cells
WritableHyperlink(int, int, File) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a file hyperlink in a single cell
WritableHyperlink(int, int, File, String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a file hyperlink in a single cell
WritableHyperlink(int, int, int, int, File) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a File hyperlink to a range of cells
WritableHyperlink(int, int, int, int, File, String) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a File hyperlink to a range of cells
WritableHyperlink(int, int, String, WritableSheet, int, int) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a hyperlink to some cells within this workbook
WritableHyperlink(int, int, int, int, String, WritableSheet, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableHyperlink
Constructs a hyperlink to some cells within this workbook
WritableImage - class jxl.write.WritableImage.
Allows an image to be created, or an existing image to be manipulated Note that co-ordinates and dimensions are given in cells, so that if for example the width or height of a cell which the image spans is altered, the image will have a correspondign distortion
WritableImage(double, double, double, double, File) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableImage
WritableImage(double, double, double, double, byte[]) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableImage
WritableImage(DrawingGroupObject, DrawingGroup) - Constructor for class jxl.write.WritableImage
Constructor, used when copying sheets
WritableSheet - interface jxl.write.WritableSheet.
Interface for a worksheet that may be modified.
WritableWorkbook - class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook.
A writable workbook
Write - class jxl.demo.Write.
Demo class which writes a spreadsheet.
Write(String) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.Write
WriteException - exception jxl.write.WriteException.
Exception thrown when using the API to generate an Excel file
write() - Method in class jxl.demo.Write
Uses the JExcelAPI to create a spreadsheet
write() - Method in class jxl.write.WritableWorkbook
Writes out the data held in this workbook in Excel format


XML - class jxl.demo.XML.
Simple demo class which uses the api to present the contents of an excel 97 spreadsheet as an XML document, using a workbook and output stream of your choice
XML(Workbook, OutputStream, String, boolean) - Constructor for class jxl.demo.XML


YELLOW - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour
YELLOW2 - Static variable in class jxl.format.Colour