Package jxl.write

Interface Summary
WritableCell The interface for all writable cells
WritableSheet Interface for a worksheet that may be modified.

Class Summary
Alignment Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.Alignment.
Blank A blank cell.
BoldStyle Enumeration class containing the various bold styles for data
Boolean A cell, created by user applications, which contains a boolean (or in some cases an error) value
Border Deprecated. repackaged as jxl.format.Border
BorderLineStyle Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.BorderLineStyle
Colour Deprecated. This has been repackaged as jxl.format.Colour
DateFormat A custom user defined number format which may be instantiated within user applications in order to present date and time values in the appropriate format.
DateFormats Static class which contains Excels predefined Date formats
DateTime A Date which may be created on the fly by a user application and added to a spreadsheet NOTE: By default, all dates will have local timezone information added to their UTC value.
Font Deprecated. Renamed to writable font
Formula A cell, created by user applications, which contains a numerical value
Label A cell containing text which may be created by user applications
Number A cell, created by user applications, which contains a numerical value
NumberFormat A custom user defined number format, which may be instantiated within user applications in order to present numerical values to the appropriate level of accuracy.
NumberFormats Static class which contains the available list of built in Number formats
Pattern Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.Pattern
VerticalAlignment Deprecated. Repackaged as jxl.format.VerticalAlignment
WritableCellFeatures Container for any additional cell features
WritableCellFormat A user specified cell format, which may be reused across many cells.
WritableFont A class which is instantiated when the user application wishes to specify the font for a particular cell
WritableFont.FontName Static inner class used for classifying the font names
WritableHyperlink A writable hyperlink.
WritableImage Allows an image to be created, or an existing image to be manipulated Note that co-ordinates and dimensions are given in cells, so that if for example the width or height of a cell which the image spans is altered, the image will have a correspondign distortion
WritableWorkbook A writable workbook

Exception Summary
WriteException Exception thrown when using the API to generate an Excel file