Class Label

  extended byjxl.biff.RecordData
      extended byjxl.biff.WritableRecordData
          extended byjxl.write.biff.CellValue
              extended byjxl.write.biff.LabelRecord
                  extended byjxl.write.Label
All Implemented Interfaces:
jxl.biff.ByteData, Cell, LabelCell, WritableCell

public class Label
extends jxl.write.biff.LabelRecord
implements WritableCell, LabelCell

A cell containing text which may be created by user applications

Constructor Summary
Label(int c, int r, java.lang.String cont)
          Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will contain the specified text
Label(int c, int r, java.lang.String cont, CellFormat st)
          Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will present the specified text in the manner specified by the CellFormat parameter
Label(LabelCell lc)
          Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet being read in
Method Summary
 WritableCell copyTo(int col, int row)
          Implementation of the deep copy function
 void setString(java.lang.String s)
          Sets the string contents of this cell
Methods inherited from class jxl.write.biff.LabelRecord
getContents, getData, getString, getType
Methods inherited from class jxl.write.biff.CellValue
addCellFeatures, getCellFeatures, getCellFormat, getColumn, getRow, getWritableCellFeatures, isHidden, removeCellFeatures, removeComment, removeDataValidation, setCellFeatures, setCellFormat
Methods inherited from class jxl.biff.WritableRecordData
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface jxl.write.WritableCell
getWritableCellFeatures, setCellFeatures, setCellFormat
Methods inherited from interface jxl.Cell
getCellFeatures, getCellFormat, getColumn, getContents, getRow, getType, isHidden
Methods inherited from interface jxl.LabelCell

Constructor Detail


public Label(int c,
             int r,
             java.lang.String cont)
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will contain the specified text

c - the column
cont - the text
r - the row


public Label(int c,
             int r,
             java.lang.String cont,
             CellFormat st)
Creates a cell which, when added to the sheet, will be presented at the specified column and row co-ordinates and will present the specified text in the manner specified by the CellFormat parameter

c - the column
cont - the data
r - the row
st - the cell format


public Label(LabelCell lc)
Constructor used internally by the application when making a writable copy of a spreadsheet being read in

lc - the label to copy
Method Detail


public void setString(java.lang.String s)
Sets the string contents of this cell

s - the new data


public WritableCell copyTo(int col,
                           int row)
Implementation of the deep copy function

Specified by:
copyTo in interface WritableCell
col - the column which the new cell will occupy
row - the row which the new cell will occupy
a copy of this cell, which can then be added to the sheet